The cyclic Cushing's syndrome is a rare disease characterized by multiple episodes of elevated cortisol levels alternating with periods of its normal secretion. The so-called hypercorticism cycles may be either regular or episodic with intercycle intervals as long as a few days to several years. Most researchers agree that the reliable diagnosis of cyclic Cushing's syndrome should be based on laboratory detection of 3 peaks and 2 falls of plasma cortisol level. Cyclic Cushing's syndrome may be either ACTH dependent or independent. A review of 65 verified cases indicates that this condition may be caused by pituitary corticotropinoma (54%), ectopic ACTH-producing tumour (26%), and adrenal tumour (roughly 11%). The cause of the disease remains uncertain in 9% of the patients. Pathophysiological mechanisms of cyclic Cushing's syndrome are poorly known. In certain cases of bilateral macronodular adrenal hyperplasia or adrenal corticosteroma, it may be associated with the presence of ectopic receptors or anomalous expression of normally located receptors. The majority of the patients presenting with cyclic Cushing's syndrome exhibit symptoms of classical hypercorticism that manifest themselves either on a permanent or cyclic basis. In a small number of patients, clinical signs of cyclic Cushing's syndrome are virtually absent. Variations of the clinical picture and conflicting results of hormonal assays taken together make cyclic Cushing's syndrome difficult to diagnose. Therefore, physicians must be aware of this condition and actively search for it in all patients believed to have an enhanced cortisol production despite normal results of laboratory analysis. Frequent changes of urinary or salivary free cortisol levels are reliable and convenient criteria for cyclic Cushing's syndrome in patients suspected to have this condition. Results of cortisol stimulation or suppression tests are likely to lead to a false conclusion due to spontaneous falls and rises in serum cortisol levels at the time of analysis. Given laboratory confirmation of cyclic Cushing's syndrome, subsequent studies should be focused on the elucidation of its cause. The average life expectancy of patients with cyclic Cushing's syndrome remains to be determined.