To optimize orthopedic care in patients with complicated course of metastatic lesions of the long bones.
There were 201 patients (72 men and 129 women) who underwent orthopedic care for metastatic lesions of the long bones for the period from 2006 to 2019. Breast cancer metastases were diagnosed in 71 (35%) cases, kidney cancer — 56 (28%) patients, prostate cancer — 19 (9%) cases, metastases without a primary identified focus — 15 (8%) patients. Other forms were observed in 40 (20%) patients. All patients were divided into two groups. The first group included 136 patients (68%) who underwent segmental resections with bone replacement. Of these, 100 (73%) patients had secondary lesions of the lower limb bones and 36 (27%) patients with metastatic lesions of the upper limb bones. A threat of pathologic fracture was in 63 (46%) cases, fracture — in 73 (54%) patients. The second group consisted of 65 (32%) patients who underwent immersion osteosynthesis. Of these, 47 (72%) patients had metastatic lesions of the lower limb bones and 18 (28%) patients had secondary lesions of the upper limb bones. A threat of pathologic fracture was in 24 (37%) patients, fracture — in 41 (63%) patients.
In the first group, mean surgery time was 140 min, in the second group — 120 min. Mean blood loss in the first group was 600 ml, in the second group — 300 ml. Patients were activated on the 3rd postoperative day in both groups. We analyzed surgical, anatomical and functional results in both groups using MSTS, Watkins and Karnofsky’s scales.
Oncological replacement and osteosynthesis are the main methods of surgical treatment of secondary lesions of the long bones. However, our data emphasize advisability of bone replacement, since this method ensures the most adequate stabilization, pain syndrome relief and long-term improvement of the quality of life.