Outstanding Russian surgeons L.L. Levshin, A.V. Vishnevsky and V.L. Bogolyubov, whose scientific works formed the basis of the national coloproctology, worked in Kazan. L.L. Levshin in Kazan in the late of XIX century, one of the first in Russia made a several laparotomys in patients with malignant tumors of the abdomen and pelvis, the closure of the intestinal and rectovaginal fistula and perineoplasty. A.V. Vishnevsky’s dissertation is devoted to peripheral innervation of the rectum. He developed a method of local anesthesia, which widely uses in interventions on the intestine, stomach biliary tract and kidneys. The founder of the first in the USSR scientific school of coloproctologists professor Alexander Naumovich Ryzhikh began his surgical and scientific activity in Vishnevsky’s clinic in Kazan. Professor V.L. Bogolyubov at the beginning of the XX century proposed methods of diagnosis and treatment of idiopathic colon enlargement, modernized the operation of Tirsh for rectal prolapse, replacing the wire with a flap of skin, folded in the form of a tourniquet. Thus, the first scientific studys, which discussed the anatomy and physiology of the rectum, etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of the most common diseases of the colon began to appear in Kazan in the late XIX — early XX century. During this period, the first surgical interventions in patients with the diseases of the colon and rectum started to be performed, the experience of treatment of coloproctological patients accumulated. Created by Levshin, Vishnevsky and Bogolyubov surgical schools adequately continued the work of teachers, contributed to the transformation of Coloproctology into an independent and strong section of surgical knowledge.