Objective — analysis of oxidative modification of proteins, ratio of primary and secondary markers of carbonyl stress, reserve-adaptive potential (RAP) of oxidative carbonylation of proteins, searching for correlations between the markers of carbonyl stress and RAP in experimental acute venous thrombosis. Material and methods. The homogenates of thrombosed vein walls were studied. The control sample included identical areas of intact veins of rats. Spontaneous oxidation of proteins in vascular wall homogenates was evaluated. Carbonyl derivatives of proteins formed through metal-dependent (induced) pathway were determined. The total area under curve of carbonyl derivative absorption spectrum was calculated. The values obtained in analysis of carbonyl derivatives formed through spontaneous and metal-dependent oxidation were used to calculate RAP of oxidative modification of proteins. Results. There was augmentation of total content of redox proteins on the 1st, 3rd and 5th days of acute venous thrombosis. More significant augmentation of the primary markers and decrease of the secondary markers of protein oxidative modification were observed on the 1st and 5th days. At the same time, there was reduction of RAP of protein oxidative modification in the homogenates of thrombosed veins on the 1st, 3rd and 5th days. Maximum decrease of RAP was noted on the 1st day. Moderate direct correlation (R=0.61; p=0.02) between concentration of aldehyde-dinitrophenylhydrazones and changes of RAP of protein oxidative modification in the homogenates of thrombosed vein was found in experimental acute venous thrombosis. Conclusion. Experimental acute venous thrombosis is accompanied by an increase and dynamic transformation of protein carbonylation grade. There is moderate direct correlation of the content of primary markers of oxidative stress and RAP.