Introduction. To evaluate the results of treatment of patients with Barrett’s esophagus according to a two-stage scheme, including antireflux surgery and radiofrequency ablation of foci of esophagus cylindrical cell metaplasia. Barrett’s esophageal treatment approaches are undergoing revision, and today conservative treatment has given way to surgical and endoscopic treatment. To date, the issue of therapeutic tactics for groups of patients with gastric and intestinal metaplasia and low dysplasia is not resolved. Material and methods. From 2011 to 2018, a total of 322 patients underwent surgical treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease at the Swiss University Hospital. In 82 patients, GERD was combined with Barrett’s esophagus. In 4 patients, low dysplasia was observed. 63 patients had radiological signs of a hiatal hernia. 58 of them at the first stage of treatment were performed laparoscopy, crurography, bilateral Toupet fundoplication at 270°. This fundoplication technique made it possible to perform radiofrequency ablation of foci of metaplasia of the distal esophagus in 27 of them after 2—3 months. In 12 patients without radiological signs of a hernia, the first stage was performed radiofrequency ablation of foci of metaplasia. Follow-up was carried out according to the scheme: control EGDS after 3, 6 and 12 months. Results. The frequency of complete regression of endoscopic signs of esophageal mucosal metaplasia after one procedure was 97.5%, after two — 100%. The relapse rate was 3.7% (6 months after radiofrequency ablation). Conclusion. Barrett’s esophageal treatment tactics require review taking into account the changing technique safety profile. Optimal is a two-stage surgical treatment (antireflux surgery + radiofrequency ablation) in combination with drug therapy.