Aim. We conducted a comprehensive analysis of the esophagogastroplasty results in our medical center. Materials and methods: 113 patients aged from 19 to 72 years after extirpation of esophagus and gastroplasty for benign esophageal diseases were surveyed. The examination was carried out at 1, 3, 6 months after the esophagoplasty and further once a year (medical examination, fluoroscopy, endoscopic examination of the artificial esophagus with biopsy, histological examination of the biopsy). Results: In all cases, oral ingestion was restored. During the first year after the intervention, several pathologic conditions developed: in 30 cases stricture of esophagogastroanastomosis, in 15 cases dumping syndrome, in 4 cases pylorospasm, in 12 cases reflux. The critical timing of stenosis is the first three months and one year after the intervention. Patients with caustic esophageal injuries should be classified as a high-risk group for stenosis development. Mucosa atrophy of the artificial esophagus is developing one year after the operation. In the long term, after esophagoplasty, the mucous membrane of the artificial esophagus and its shape undergoes changes, probably related to the movement of the graft to other conditions. Pathological syndromes that develop after surgery are associated with certain morphological modifications of the mucous membrane of the graft. The main pathologic phenomena of an artificial esophagus formed from the gastric tube were atrophic changes in the superficial foveolar epithelium and fundus glands, which is accompanied by increased collagen formation and polymorphic cell infiltration of the stroma, hypertrophy of the smooth muscle layer of the transplant mucosa. Conclusion. Long-term monitoring of patients after extirpation of the esophagus and esophagogastroplasty is necessary. We consider the follow-up dates 1, 3, 6, 12 months after the operation, and then ones a year with the x-ray and endoscopy. The timely diagnosis of pathological conditions (including functional) of the artificial esophagus, is a critical factor in achieving a successful result after the intervention.