To determine the characteristic features in the structure of jaw bone sections in patients with jaw osteonecrosis caused by the use of homemade methamphetamine (HM) synthesized by the Nagai method.
The investigation material was jaw sequesters and resected sections in 60 patients, which had been taken during sanitizing surgery for chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis (Group 1, n=30, a comparison group) and jaw osteonecrosis (Group 2, n=30). All the patients in Group 2 confirmed that they had been using HM for at least 2 years. The investigation material was selected only from the patients who had not been found to have congenital or acquired immunodeficiencies or multiple organ failure phenomena. The material was fixed according to the standard procedure; the sections obtained were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Masson—Goldner. Morphometry used the indicators proposed by the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research Histomorphometry Nomenclature Committee, as well as 6 author parameters. The findings of the investigation were statistically processed using the Statistica 10.0 program (StatSoft, USA) by the nonparametric Mann—Whitney test.
The histoarchitectonics of the mandible bone matrix represented a destructured devitalized tissue complex on the mandibular microspecimens taken from a group of patients with chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws. The state of the bone matrix was characterized by the atypical rearrangement with the phenomena of sclerosis, the signs of primary aseptic inflammation with toxic vasculopathy and fibrinoid necrosis, as well as those of secondary pyonecrotic inflammation on the mandibular microspecimens taken in the HM group.
The characteristic morphological pattern of jaw osteonecrotic injuries in persons with HM-induced drug abuse is the simultaneous identification of two types of lesions: a primary lesion as aseptic ossifying osteitis and a secondary lesion as pyonecrotic inflammation. The phenomena of toxic vasculopathy and fibrinoid osteonecrosis can serve as one of the criteria confirming the active regular intake of HM.