Aim. The present work was designed to address the problem of ensuring the psychological security in the framework of organization of the rehabilitative treatment based at the spa and health resort facilities. Materials and methods. We undertook the questionnaire study for which 650 subjects were recruited among those attending spa and health resort facilities of the cities of Essentuki and Kislovodsk. The participants were asked to estimate the level of their personal security and the quality of the provided means for the rehabilitative treatment and general health improvement. Results. It was found that as many as 43% of the respondents reported the moderate level of psychological security whereas about 30% of them estimated the level of their psychological security as low. Overall, the attitude toward the available means for health improvement and rehabilitation proved extremely variable. The factorial analysis has demonstrated the highly subjective opinions of the responders as regards the provided services categorized in terms of therapeutic (mineral water, preformed physical factors, peloid and dietary therapy), health improvement (herbal medicine, therapeutic physical training, therapy, bioclimatic therapy), and recreational (animation, excursion and touristic activities) factors. The value of these factors was perceived differently by the vacationers with different feelings of psychological security. Those reporting the high level of psychological security demonstrated the positive attitude toward all factors and circumstances available for the general improvement of the health status whereas the holidaymakers reporting the moderate level of personal psychological security exhibited the non-equivalent attitude toward the provided services; namely, they highly estimated the available therapeutic factors but either underestimated the value of the constituent components of the health improving and recreational factors or demonstrated the very selective attitude toward their assessment. Generally speaking, the feeling of personal psychological security in the participants of the study reflected their subjective approach to structuralization and differentiation of the factors underlying the effectiveness, final outcome, and psychological security of the spa and health resort-based rehabilitative treatment. Conclusion. The results of the present study give evidence of the paramount importance of personal psychological security as a most important factor contributing to the solution of problems facing the practice of the rehabilitation treatment based at the spa and health resort facilities. This work should be organized taking into consideration the necessity to ensure the feeling of personal security and psychological comfort in the holidaymakers as an indispensable prerequisite for the successful rehabilitative treatment of the vacationers and meeting the requirements of the holidaymakers.