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Knyshova V.V.

Vladivostok Branch of the federal state budgetary institution «Far Eastern Research Centre of Physiology and Pathology of Respiration» - Research Institute of Medical Climatology and Rehabilitative Treatment, Vladivostok, Russia

Denisenko Yu.K.

Vladivostok Branch of the federal state budgetary institution «Far Eastern Research Centre of Physiology and Pathology of Respiration» - Research Institute of Medical Climatology and Rehabilitative Treatment, Vladivostok, Russia

Novgorodtseva T.P.

Vladivostok Branch of the federal state budgetary institution «Far Eastern Research Centre of Physiology and Pathology of Respiration» - Research Institute of Medical Climatology and Rehabilitative Treatment, Vladivostok, Russia

Yurenko A.V.

Vladivostok Branch of the federal state budgetary institution «Far Eastern Research Centre of Physiology and Pathology of Respiration» - Research Institute of Medical Climatology and Rehabilitative Treatment, Vladivostok, Russia

Gvozdenko T.A.

Vladivostokskiĭ filial FGBU "Dal'nevostochnyĭ nauchnyĭ tsentr fiziologii i patologii dykhaniia" Sibirskogo otdeleniia Rossiĭskoĭ akademii meditsinskikh nauk - NII meditsinskoĭ klimatologii i vosstanovitel'nogo lecheniia, Vladivostok

Zhukova N.V.

SPB GUZ "Gorodskoĭ klinicheskiĭ onkologicheskiĭ dispanser", kafedra onkologii FPO Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo universiteta im. I.P. Pavlova

The influence of sinusoidal modulated currents on the fatty acid composition of plasma and blood erythrocytes in the patients presenting with chronic cholecystitis


Knyshova V.V., Denisenko Yu.K., Novgorodtseva T.P., Yurenko A.V., Gvozdenko T.A., Zhukova N.V.

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To cite this article:

Knyshova VV, Denisenko YuK, Novgorodtseva TP, Yurenko AV, Gvozdenko TA, Zhukova NV. The influence of sinusoidal modulated currents on the fatty acid composition of plasma and blood erythrocytes in the patients presenting with chronic cholecystitis. Problems of Balneology, Physiotherapy and Exercise Therapy. 2016;93(5):14‑18. (In Russ.)

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