The editorial board informs that by its decision of 21.07.2019 the publication of the article:
Poddubnaia OA. The contingency of the therapeutic effectiveness with the peculiarities of the non-pharmacological treatment of the patients presenting with chronic cholecystitis. Problems of Balneology, Physiotherapy and Exercise Therapy. 2016;93(4):36‑41 (In Russ.)
is invalid, the article is withdrawn (retracted) from scientific circulation.
The reason for the withdrawal of the article is borrowing with a change of name and authorship in previously published articles.
Primary publications:
1) Poddubnaya OA. THE relationship between peculiarities of physiotherapy and its effectiveness in the patients presenting with chronic cholecystitis. Russian journal of physiotherapy, balneology and rehabilitation. 2014;13(6):19-24.
2) Poddubnaya OA, Kozhemyakin AM. Analysis of conjugacy between treatment systems and the efficiency of combined treatment of patients with chronic cholecystitis in combination with chronic opisthorchosis. Bulletin of siberian medicine. 2009;8(4-2):154-160.