Objective — to study morphofunctional tissue changes during perforation of the tympanic membrane using blood plasma enriched with platelet growth factors in the experiment. Materials and methods. Examined 36 rats (72 tympanic membranes), which were divided into 2 groups, experimental (1st) and control (2nd). Injected blood plasma enriched with platelet-derived growth factors into the external auditory canal once by application after perforation of the tympanic membrane in the rats of the experimental group. Sacrificed rats on the 5th, 10th, 15th day after surgery (6 animals in each group at each stage). Evaluated the condition of the tympanic membrane otoscopically during the experiment. Evaluated the signs of acute otitis media, the presence of “dry” perforation of the tympanic membrane (without signs of inflammation), and the closure of perforation of the tympanic membrane. Results. In the experimental group, on the 5th day after the surgery, there were no signs of acute otitis media, closure of perforation of the tympanic membrane was identified in 4 cases, “dry” perforation of the tympanic membrane (without signs of inflammation) was preserved in 8 cases. In the control group, on the 5th day after the surgery, the signs of acute otitis media were identified in 9 cases, cases of closure of the perforation of the tympanic membrane were not noted, “dry” perforation of the tympanic membrane was preserved in 3 cases. In the 1st group, on the 10th day after surgery, the signs of acute otitis media were identified in 1 case, “dry” perforation of the tympanic membrane was preserved in 1 case, closure of perforation of the tympanic membrane was identified in 10 cases. At the same time in the 2nd group, the signs of acute otitis media were identified in 6 cases, the “dry” perforation of the tympanic membrane was preserved in 6 cases, there were no cases of closure of the perforation of the tympanic membrane. In the 1st group, on the 15th day after the surgery, there were no signs of acute otitis media, “dry” perforation of the tympanic membrane was preserved in 1 case, closure of perforation of the tympanic membrane was identified in 11 cases. In the 2nd group, on the 15th day after surgery the signs of acute otitis media was identified in 1 case, “dry” perforation of the tympanic membrane was preserved in 10 cases, the closure of perforation of the tympanic membrane was noted in 1 case. Conclusions. Preliminary results show a favorable effect of blood plasma enriched with platelet growth factors on the regeneration of the tympanic membrane under conditions of its traumatic perforation in the rat experiment, which is manifested in a decrease in the incidence of acute otitis media on the 5th day after perforation and in an increase in the incidence of closure of tympanic membrane perforation both on the 10th and 15th day, and in general in the experimental group.