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Daĭkhes N.A.

Nauchno-klinicheskiĭ tsentr otorinolaringologii FMBA Rossii, Moskva

Diab Kh.M.

Otdel diagnostiki i reabilitatsii narusheniĭ slukha Sankt-Peterburgskogo NII ukha, gorla, nosa i rechi

Siraeva A.R.

State Scientific Clinical Center of Otorhinolaryngology, Moscow, Russia, 125310

Tarasova N.V.

Ural'skiĭ NII okhrany materinstva i mladenchestva, Ekaterinburg

Kondratchikov D.S.

Saint Petersburg Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose, and Speech, Russian Ministry of Health, St. Petersburg, Russia, 190013

Machalov A.S.

Research and Clinical Centre of Otorhinolaryngology, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency, Moscow, Russia, 123182

Pashchinina O.A.

Research Clinical Centre of Otorhinolaryngology, Federal Medico-Biological Agency, Moscow, Russia, 123182

Kuznetsov A.O.

Research Clinical Centre of Otorhinolaryngology, Federal Medico-Biological Agency, Moscow, Russia, 123182

Yusifov K.D.

State Scientific Clinical Center of Otorhinolaryngology, Moscow, Russia, 125310

The results of bilateral cochlear implantation in the children who survived meningitis


Daĭkhes N.A., Diab Kh.M., Siraeva A.R., Tarasova N.V., Kondratchikov D.S., Machalov A.S., Pashchinina O.A., Kuznetsov A.O., Yusifov K.D.

More about the authors

Journal: Russian Bulletin of Otorhinolaryngology. 2017;82(6): 39‑43

Views: 1111

Downloaded: 36

To cite this article:

Daĭkhes NA, Diab KhM, Siraeva AR, et al. . The results of bilateral cochlear implantation in the children who survived meningitis. Russian Bulletin of Otorhinolaryngology. 2017;82(6):39‑43. (In Russ.)

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