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Ianov Iu.K.

Sankt-Peterburgskiĭ NII ukha, gorla, nosa i rechi

Anikin I.A.

Zaporozhye State Medical University, Ukraine

Kuzovkov V.E.

Otdel diagnostiki i reabilitatsii narusheniĭ slukha Sankt-Peterburgskogo NII ukha, gorla, nosa i rechi

Petrov S.M.

Otdel patofiziologii ukha Sankt-Peterburgskogo NII ukha, gorla, nosa i rechi Sankt-Peterburgskogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta

Diab Kh.M.

Otdel diagnostiki i reabilitatsii narusheniĭ slukha Sankt-Peterburgskogo NII ukha, gorla, nosa i rechi

Shchukina A.A.

Fakul'tet meditsinskoĭ fiziki i bioinzhenerii, kafedra fiziko-khimicheskikh osnov meditsiny Sankt-Peterburgskogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta

Azizov G.R.

Otdel diagnostiki i reabilitatsii narusheniĭ slukha Sankt-Peterburgskogo NII ukha, gorla, nosa i rechi

The objective method for recording stapedial reflex during surgery for cochlear implantation


Ianov Iu.K., Anikin I.A., Kuzovkov V.E., Petrov S.M., Diab Kh.M., Shchukina A.A., Azizov G.R.

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To cite this article:

Ianov IuK, Anikin IA, Kuzovkov VE, Petrov SM, Diab KhM, Shchukina AA, Azizov GR. The objective method for recording stapedial reflex during surgery for cochlear implantation. Russian Bulletin of Otorhinolaryngology. 2013;78(2):8‑10. (In Russ.)

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