K.A. Borisenko

Kafedra kompleksnogo zuboprotezirovaniia stomatologicheskogo fakul'teta GBOU VPO "Moskovskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ mediko-stomatologicheskiĭ universitet im. A.I. Evdokimova" Minzdrava Rossii

K.A. Pashkov

Kafedra istorii meditsiny

I.Iu. Lebedenko

Moskovskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ mediko-stomatologicheskiĭ universitet

In memorial of outstanding soviet dentist and scientist V.Yu. Kurlyandskij (on the occasion of 105th anniversary)


K.A. Borisenko, K.A. Pashkov, I.Iu. Lebedenko

More about the authors

Journal: Stomatology. 2014;93(2): 74‑75

Views: 459

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To cite this article:

Borisenko KA, Pashkov KA, Lebedenko IIu. In memorial of outstanding soviet dentist and scientist V.Yu. Kurlyandskij (on the occasion of 105th anniversary). Stomatology. 2014;93(2):74‑75. (In Russ.)

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