Aim — to evaluate clinical manifestations of hypercortisolism in patients with adrenal Cushing’s (ACush). Results. Adenoma was found in right adrenal in 37.5% of patients, in left — 40.6%, bilateral adenomas in 21.9%. Maximum size of adenoma was 3.3 (3.0; 4.2) cm. Level of UFC was 654.1 (383.0; 1153.0) nmol/l/h, ACTH — 1.1 (1.1; 2.3) pmol/l, serum cortisol after 1 mg overnight dexamethasone suppression test — 644.0 (431.5; 710.5) nmol/l. Features that best discriminate Cushing’s syndrome were found not in all patients — proximal muscle weakness — in 81.3%, facial fullness — 75.0%, easy bruising — 56.2% and striae — 43.7%. The most frequent (≥80%) complains were weight gain (87.5%), fatigue (84.3%), headache (50—80%). In <50% — poor skin healing, prolonged wound healing, depression, menstrual abnormalities etc. Arterial hypertension diagnosed in 31/32 patients, systolic BP before treatment was 180 (170; 220) mm Hg, diastolic BP — 100 (100; 110) mm Hg. Antihypertensive therapy: one medication received 5 (16.1%) patients, two — 8 (25.8%), three — 12 (38.7%), four — 1 (3.2%), without therapy — 5 (16.1%). Hypokaliemia were in 26.6%, hypercholesterolemia — 86.6%. In 9 patients diabetes mellitus (DM) diagnosed before diagnosis ACush was made. 75 g OGTT performed in 16 patients without known DM thereafter DM was diagnosed in 2 (12.5%), IGT (impaired glucose tolerance) in 6 (37.5%). Bone densitometry performed in 20 patients: in 5 (15.6%) of them osteoporosis was diagnosed, in 5 (15/6%) — osteopenia, normal bone density — in 10 (31.2%). Pathological fractures (vertebral, rib fractures etc) were in 3/5 osteoporotic patients. Conclusions. The most frequent complaints (≥80%) were weight gain, fatigue and proximal muscle weakness. Hypertension and hypercholesterolemia were in 96.9 and 86.6% patients. Diabetes and IGT in 53.1%, hypokaliemia (26.6%), osteoporosis (15.6%).