Aim. To analyze clinical and microbiological examinations in severe soft tissues infections and their significance in predictors of outcomes. Material and methods. Treatment of 19 patients with severe suppurative infection and suspected non-clostridial anaerobic flora with different causes of soft tissues infection was analyzed. All patients were treated in N.V. Sklifosovskiy Research Institute of Emergency Care for the period 2010—2012. Diagnosis was based on X-ray survey, sonography and CT data. Multicomponent management included surgery, intensive therapy, proteinic and water-electrolyte balance correction, deintoxication, nutritive support and immune therapy.Microbiological diagnosis was performed using Bactec-9050, Multiscan and WalkAway-40 analyzers. Culture mediums and microanaerostats to detect aerobic and obligately-anaerobic pathogens certified in Russia were used. Of 19 patients bacteriological examination was performed in 11 patients. So 107 specimens from wounds predominantly and blood were studied. 91 strains were revealed and identified. Results. 8 of 11 patients in group 1 were operated. Three patients were inoperable due to severe condition and endotoxic shock. Despite complex treatment inflammation progressed in 5 of 8 patients followed by death. The second group consisted of 8 survivors. Staphylococcus aureus played leading role. There were no significant differences related to obligately-anaerobic pathogens. Mixed populations of aerobic and facultative anaerobic pathogens were diagnosed in 45% of specimens sampled from deads that is significantly greater than from survivors (8.7%). Leading pathogens of severe suppurative infections of soft tissues were more frequent revealed in mono-culture. Early diagnosis of tissue infections caused by nonsporeforming microorganisms should be based on clinical instrumental data, microbiological and morphological examinations.