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Gavrilenko A.V.

B.V. Petrovsky Russian Scientific Center of Surgery, Moscow, Russia;
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University» of the Ministry of Health of the Russia, Moscow, Russia

Abramyan A.V.

B.V. Petrovsky Russian Research Center of Surgery, Moscow, Russia

Kuklin A.V.

B.V. Petrovsky Russian Research Center of Surgery, Moscow, Russia

Kосhеtkоv V.A.

I.M. Sесhеnоv First Mоsсоw Statе Mеdiсal Univеrsitу, Mоsсоw, Russia

Results of surgical treatment of patients with internal carotid artery kinking depending on methods of its reconstruction


Gavrilenko A.V., Abramyan A.V., Kuklin A.V., Kосhеtkоv V.A.

More about the authors

Information about the withdrawal of the article is sent to all databases where is indexed Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery.

Journal: Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery. 2014;(11): 4‑9

Views: 435

Downloaded: 6

To cite this article:

Gavrilenko AV, Abramyan AV, Kuklin AV, Kосhеtkоv VA. Results of surgical treatment of patients with internal carotid artery kinking depending on methods of its reconstruction. Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery. 2014;(11):4‑9. (In Russ.)

The editorial board informs that by its decision of 17.08.2019 the publication of the article:

Gavrilenko AV, Abramyan AV, Kuklin AV, Kосhеtkоv VA. Results of surgical treatment of patients with internal carotid artery kinking depending on methods of its reconstruction. Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery. 2014;(11):4‑9 (In Russ.)

is invalid, the article is withdrawn (retracted) from scientific circulation.

Причина отзыва статьи — обнаружение значительного объема дублирующей информации в ранее опубликованной статье Гавриленко А.В., Сандриков В.А., Куклин А.В., Абрамян А.В., Кочетков В.А., Хрипков А.С., Зияева Ю.В. Выбор метода хирургического лечения больных с патологической извитостью внутренней сонной артерии. Анналы хирургии. 2013;(6):18-23.

Information about the withdrawal of the article is sent to all databases where is indexed Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery.

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