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Ivanov V.A.

Chuvashskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ universitet im. I.N. Ul'ianova, Vtoraia gorodskaia bol'nitsa, Cheboksary

Semenova E.V.

B.V. Petrovsky Russian Research Center of Surgery ,Department of Acquired Heart Valvular Diseases, Moscow, Russia

Evseev E.P.

FGBU Rossiĭskiĭ nauchnyĭ tsentr khirurgii RAMN im. akad. B.V. Petrovskogo, Moskva

Ivanova L.N.

B.V. Petrovsky Russian Research Center of Surgery ,Department of Acquired Heart Valvular Diseases, Moscow, Russia

Nikityuk T.G.

Acad. B.V. Petrovsky Russian Scientific Surgery Center, Moscow, Russia

Boltenkova V.I.

Department of Acquired Heart Valve Disease, Petrovsky Russian Research Center of Surgery, Moscow, Russia

Long-term outcomes in patients younger than 60 years


Ivanov V.A., Semenova E.V., Evseev E.P., Ivanova L.N., Nikityuk T.G., Boltenkova V.I.

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To cite this article:

Ivanov VA, Semenova EV, Evseev EP, Ivanova LN, Nikityuk TG, Boltenkova VI. Long-term outcomes in patients younger than 60 years. Russian Journal of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2019;12(1):45‑52. (In Russ.)

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