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Ryzhova M.V.

FGBU "NII neĭrokhirurgii im. akad. N.N. Burdenko" RAMN, Moskva

Kadyrov Sh.U.

NII neĭrokhirurgii im. akad. N.N. Burdenko RAMN, Moskva

Kumirova .V.

FGBU "Federal'nyĭ nauchno-klinicheskiĭ tsentr detskoĭ gematologii, onkologii i immunologii im. Dmitriia Rogacheva" Minzdrava RF

Shishkina L.V.

Burdenko Neurosurgery Institute, Moscow, Russia

Nikitin P.V.

Burdenko Neurosurgery Institute, 4-ya Tverskaya-Yamskaya Str., 16, Moscow, Russia, 125047

Panina T.N.

NII neĭrokhirurgii im. akad. N.N. Burdenko RAMN, Moskva

Shibaeva I.V.

Burdenko Neurosurgical Institute, Moscow, Russia, 125047

Shugay S.V.

Burdenko Neurosurgical Institute, Moscow, Russia, 125047

Starovoytov D.V.

Burdenko Neurosurgical Institute, Moscow, Russia

Sycheva R.V.

FGBU "Nauchno-issledovatel'skiĭ institut neĭrokhirurgii im. akad. N.N. Burdenko"

Zubova I.V.

Acad. N.N. Burdenko National Medical Research Center of Neurosurgery, Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia

Central nervous system atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor without loss of nuclear expression of INI1


Ryzhova M.V., Kadyrov Sh.U., Kumirova .V., Shishkina L.V., Nikitin P.V., Panina T.N., Shibaeva I.V., Shugay S.V., Starovoytov D.V., Sycheva R.V., Zubova I.V.

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To cite this article:

Ryzhova MV, Kadyrov ShU, Kumirova V, et al. . Central nervous system atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor without loss of nuclear expression of INI1. Russian Journal of Archive of Pathology. 2019;81(2):36‑42. (In Russ.)

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