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Trembach N.V.
FGBOU VO «Kuban State Medical University» Ministry of Health of Russia, Krasnodar, Russia
Zabolotskikh I.B.
FGBOU VO «Kuban State Medical University» Ministry of Health of Russia, Krasnodar, Russia
Stakanov A.V.
GBU RO «Rostov regional clinical hospital», Rostov-na-Donu, Russia
Yaroshetsky A.I.
FGBOU VO «Russian national research medical University named after N.I. Pirogov» of Ministry of health of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Protective ventilation in abdominal surgery
Journal: Russian Journal of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology. 2018;(3): 25‑32
Views: 5395
Downloaded: 266
To cite this article:
Trembach NV, Zabolotskikh IB, Stakanov AV, Yaroshetsky AI. Protective ventilation in abdominal surgery. Russian Journal of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology.
2018;(3):25‑32. (In Russ.)
The frequency of postoperative pulmonary complications in major abdominal surgery currently remains high, a large part of respiratory failure occurs due to negative effects of mechanical ventilation (MV). The main causes of respiratory complications are barotrauma, volumotrauma and atelectotrauma, developing even after a short time of the ventilation, especially in patients at high risk. In the works of many authors it is quite often that such a thing as «protective» ventilation. This ventilation strategy was proposed to improve respiratory function during anesthesia and in the early postoperative period and is a method of preventing ventilator-associated injury. It involves the application of low tidal volumes, the minimal inspiratory oxygen concentration, the use of recruitment-maneuver, limiting the airway pressure and the mandatory use of positive end-expiratory pressure. Despite the availability of studies about the positive impact of protective ventilation on the outcome, the question of the role of the individual components of this strategy in improving treatment outcomes is still a matter of debate. The aim of this review is to summarize current data on the protective components of ventilation and their influence on the respiratory system and on the risk of pulmonary complications, as well as offer some recommendations for ventilation in abdominal surgery on the basis of current knowledge.
Trembach N.V.
FGBOU VO «Kuban State Medical University» Ministry of Health of Russia, Krasnodar, Russia
Zabolotskikh I.B.
FGBOU VO «Kuban State Medical University» Ministry of Health of Russia, Krasnodar, Russia
Stakanov A.V.
GBU RO «Rostov regional clinical hospital», Rostov-na-Donu, Russia
Yaroshetsky A.I.
FGBOU VO «Russian national research medical University named after N.I. Pirogov» of Ministry of health of Russia, Moscow, Russia
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