S.A. Zozulya

Mental Health Research Center

M.A. Omelchenko

Mental Health Research Centre

I.N. Otman

Mental Health Research Center

Z.V. Sarmanova

Mental Health Research Center

V.V. Migalina

Mental Health Research Center

V.G. Kaleda

Mental Health Research Centre

T.P. Klyushnik

Mental Health Research Center

Features of inflammatory reactions in patients with juvenile depression with a clinically high risk of psychosis


S.A. Zozulya, M.A. Omelchenko, I.N. Otman, Z.V. Sarmanova, V.V. Migalina, V.G. Kaleda, T.P. Klyushnik

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To cite this article:

Zozulya SA, Omelchenko MA, Otman IN, Sarmanova ZV, Migalina VV, Kaleda VG, Klyushnik TP. Features of inflammatory reactions in patients with juvenile depression with a clinically high risk of psychosis. S.S. Korsakov Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. 2023;123(11‑2):55‑61. (In Russ.)

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