V.N. Galkin

Moscow City Clinical Oncology Hospital No. 1

Yu.S. Esakov

Moscow City Clinical Oncology Hospital No. 1

S.A. Samsonik

Moscow City Clinical Oncology Hospital No. 1

D.V. Regushevskaya

Pirogov Moscow City Clinical Hospital No. 1

Zh.I. Banova

Moscow City Clinical Oncology Hospital No. 1

I.Yu. Giverts

Pirogov Moscow City Clinical Hospital No. 1

Anatomical resection for non-small cell lung cancer: cardiopulmonary exercise testing in assessing the risk of respiratory complications


V.N. Galkin, Yu.S. Esakov, S.A. Samsonik, D.V. Regushevskaya, Zh.I. Banova, I.Yu. Giverts

More about the authors

Journal: Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery. 2023;(10): 88‑97

Views: 651

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To cite this article:

Galkin VN, Esakov YuS, Samsonik SA, Regushevskaya DV, Banova ZhI, Giverts IYu. Anatomical resection for non-small cell lung cancer: cardiopulmonary exercise testing in assessing the risk of respiratory complications. Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery. 2023;(10):88‑97. (In Russ.)

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