V.V. Evreinov

Ilizarov Russian Research Center 'Reconstructive Traumataligy and Orthopedics' of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Kurgan, Russia

T.A. Zhirova

Center of Specialialized Medical Care 'Chaklin Ural Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics', Ekaterinburg, Russia

Pain management in children with cerebral palsy undergoing reconstructive or palliative hip joint surgery


V.V. Evreinov, T.A. Zhirova

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To cite this article:

Evreinov VV, Zhirova TA. Pain management in children with cerebral palsy undergoing reconstructive or palliative hip joint surgery. Russian Journal of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology. 2019;(5):75‑80. (In Russ., In Engl.)

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